Podcast ads have become a polarising topic, much like pineapple on pizza – some love it, some hate it.
Handling ads on your podcast requires finesse.
In this little bonus insights episode with our associate producer Amelia Knight we dissect the art of podcast advertising and how to stay out of trouble if you do accept cash for your audio warez.
Here's the link to the guidance:
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00:00 - None
00:26 - Understanding Podcast Advertising
01:21 - Navigating Podcast Advertising
03:06 - Ad Placement in Podcasts
04:00 - Understanding Advertising Rules
04:40 - The Importance of Transparency in Podcast Advertising
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The art of not pissing off your audience with podcast ads hi, I'm Amelia Knight, Associate Producer at podnos Podcasting, the production company behind this podcast.
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I mean I am Amelia, but this is an AI clone of my voice because I'm currently in a co working space with Bad Audio while I make crucial updates to the company LinkedIn page.
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This episode is inspired by some guidance we've seen from the ASA regarding advertising disclosure.
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The full article is linked from the episode description or you can read it at podmastery Co asa Podcast advertising is one of those things that, when done well, feels like a friendly nudge rather than an aggressive sales pitch.
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But when it's done badly, you're basically the digital equivalent of that bloke in the shopping center who shoves a perfume sample in your face when all you wanted was a Gregg's Sausage Roll.
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Brands love podcasting because it offers something other ad formats don't proper engagement.
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People don't just skim past a podcast ad like they do with a billboard or scroll past a social media post.
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They're listening.
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Properly listening.
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Which is why honesty and transparency in ad placement are non negotiable.
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So if you're thinking of slapping ads into your podcast or you're a brand keen to jump into the audio space, let's talk about how not to piss off your audience.
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Be upfront because listeners aren't stupid.
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Ever had a mate who tries to casually drop the fact they're selling utility warehouse into a conversation?
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That's what it feels like when podcasters try to slip in an ad like it's just part of the chat.
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Listeners always know, and when they feel tricked, they switch off mentally.
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Or worse.
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So own it.
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If you're running an ad, say it loud and proud.
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This episode is brought to you by.
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Or here's a word from our sponsor.
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Job done.
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Don't be sneaky with placements.
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Nothing says I don't respect my audience quite like a host waffling on about their weekend before seamlessly segueing into an ad about meal prep kits.
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Keep it clear, keep it separate, and please, for the love of all things audio, don't wait until the end of the ad to reveal that it was in fact an ad.
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That's just filthy, you bitch.
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Make it bloody obvious it's an ad.
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Some podcasters think they're being clever by blending their ad into the content.
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Oh, I just happened to be using this amazing product the other day.
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No you weren't.
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You were reading a script.
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And everyone knows it a simple trick.
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Use a different voice, a jingle, or even a change in tone to signal an ad break.
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Think of it like an audio version of a neon sign flashing this is an ad.
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If you're the host, you're walking a fine line.
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Host read Ads are powerful because they feel personal, but they also carry risk.
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If you're waxing lyrical about a product you don't actually believe in, your credibility is on the line.
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And when your audience finds out, which they will, they won't trust you anymore.
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So before you go singing the praises of some new brand, ask yourself, would I actually use this?
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If the answer's no, it's not worth the paycheck.
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Keep it tight.
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Keep it relevant A podcast ad should not be a five minute monologue about how a mattress changed your life.
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Nobody cares.
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Keep it snappy, to the point and relevant to your audience.
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If your listeners are into tech, flogging them weight loss gummies is just weird.
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Know your audience.
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Understand the rules or get ready for a slap on the wrist.
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The Advertising Standards Authority ASA doesn't mess about.
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If you're misleading people with your ads, you won't just get a slap on the wrist, you'll be publicly called out.
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And guess what?
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That bad PR lingers.
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The golden rule if money changed hands, say so.
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If you got a freebie and you're mentioning it, disclose it.
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Transparency isn't just an ethical choice, it's a legal requirement.
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Final Thoughts Podcast advertising isn't the devil.
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When done properly, it can actually enhance the listening experience.
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A well placed, well executed ad can feel like a genuine recommendation rather than an interruption.
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But trickery, deception, or just plain sloppiness, that's how you lose an audience.
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So whether you're a podcaster looking to monetize or a brand looking to advertise, the rules are simple.
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Be honest, be transparent, and for God's sake, respect your listeners.
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They're the ones keeping you in business.
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The Podmaster is a Podnos production.
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Find out more about us@podnos.co.uk podnos.