It's currently midnight here in the UK, , and I'm still bloody working.
Except I don't call it 'work'.
This is the joy of working in podcasting.
I've published a new episode of "The Podmaster" which talks more in depth on what I emailed you the other day about video podcasting.
I've been busy with planning for my new podcast - The Asylum.
This one's super niche, but it's got me more excited than I've been about a podcast in quite some time.
And I've also been doing the usual behind the scenes stuff and production for my clients' many podcasts.
I appreciate that I'm privileged.
I get to do all this because I got over the initial 'hump'.
I started.
I hit record, and resisted deleting everything. And then I nervously clicked 'publish'.
That was 20 years ago.
But I appreciate not everyone has that luxury.
Have you ever felt that gut-punch fear about your podcast that I hear others experience?
Maybe it’s the fear that your content isn’t good enough, that you're missing out on the next big trend, or that you’ll never quite catch up to those big-name podcasters.
You’re not alone.
And here’s the thing - not only is it normal, but most of that fear is probably holding you back from what you’re truly capable of.
Let’s Talk About the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)
We’ve all been there.
You see everyone raving about the latest podcast trend, and suddenly, you feel like if you’re not doing it, you’re falling behind.
A few years ago, it was Clubhouse and Fireside Chat. Now it’s video podcasting (remember, we’ve talked a lot about that already!).
But here’s the truth: not every trend is a game-changer.
Some are just distractions.
Focus on what you do best.
Your audience is there for the value you bring, not because you’re chasing the latest shiny thing. Stay grounded in that.
The Fear of Overwhelm
If you’re feeling like you’ve got too many plates spinning and adding one more thing to your podcasting routine is going to send the whole lot crashing down, you’re probably right.
Burnout is real, and it can sneak up on you fast.
Let’s get one thing clear: you don’t have to do everything.
Sometimes, it’s about stripping things back and focusing on the essentials that make your content great.
I’m all about working smarter, not harder.
Overwhelmed by ideas?
Let’s chat sometime and get it figured out.
Take a Break, and Don’t Feel Guilty!
Fear of Falling Behind
One of the biggest fears podcasters face is the worry that they’re not keeping up. “Am I falling behind because I’m not doing this or that?”
Here’s the truth: you don’t have to do everything to be successful.
What really matters is consistency and delivering value to your audience.
You could throw every new tactic at the wall, but if you’re not connecting with your listeners, none of it will stick.
Focus on building a loyal audience by giving them what they need, and the rest will follow.
Are you following "The Podmaster"?
Fear of Failure and Worrying Whether The Risk Is Worth It
Finally, there’s the big one: fear of failure.
What if you try something and it flops?
What if you don't get any listeners?
What if no one cares?
Let me tell you something - everyone who’s successful in podcasting has failed at some point.
The difference is, they didn’t let that stop them.
Failure’s not the end; it’s part of the process.
The only real failure is giving up or not even trying.
Lost your way? Want to know how to get back on track?
Every single audit client I've had so far has seen an almost immediate improvement in their results.
If you want to find the love for your podcast again, and figure out how to break through your fear of failure, let's work together.