If you’re wrenching your hair out over your stagnating podcast audience, parked stubbornly south of the 100-listeners per episode mark....
Give me your ears!
Not literally, keep those; you’ll need them for what you're about to hear.
I get it; the deflation hits hard when your buffer audience wouldn’t fill a dinghy, let alone that elusive cruise liner you dream of sipping Negronis on after a good hour in the hot tub.
But I'm going to share two key bits of insight with you.
1: How you need to reframe your current audience stats.
2: What you can do to increase them if you're still seeking dopamine.
By the time we’re done, you’ll have a noggin brimming with tactics tailored to your individual podcast challenges.
Because, let’s face it, moulding a prosperous podcast it’s not about rolling dice, it’s about strategy.
Want to get more of a handle on your podcast strategy so you can enjoy more new ideal listeners who are actually going to enjoy what you're putting out?
Contact me!
00:00 Recommend using one of two website platforms.
05:23 Grow podcast with targeted ad investment.
08:25 Targeted, precise traffic without any wasted efforts.
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One of the things that surfaces from the audits that I carry out for clients
is Neal, how do I grow my podcast's
Usually these people are a little bit disappointed with the numbers that they see in
their feed, in their stats. Usually sub 100 per
episode after 30 days. Putting aside for a moment the fact
that actually if you've got 100 people. Listening to your episode
within 30 days, that's pretty excellent.
Think about it from this point of view. If you hired out a
village hall for the day to do a talk on something you're passionate
about, and you saw 100 people turn up
to listen to you give this talk, wouldn't you feel quite proud of that?
Yet, weirdly, when our podcast is
published. Globally for a worldwide audience,
somehow we see that as slightly less than
putting. That thought to the side for a moment. Because it doesn't matter what I
say. About that, you are still going to. Be wanting those dopamine hits
of oh, I really would love to see my episode listens
grow. Fair enough. So what we're going to talk about
now is the challenges of growing an. Audience when it comes
to publishing a podcast and
some ideas that you might. Want to be looking at in order to grow that
organic audience. If you've got a bit of budget. For marketing, we
can cover that too. But this is predominantly going to be for those people
that want to get the biggest bang for their lack of buck.
So first of all, before we even. Think about growing an audience, we need to
understand who our audience is. There's no point trying to get more.
People listening to this thing if we don't know
who it's for in the first place. To that end, we need to think.
About defining our target listener. Who
are they? What challenges do they face? How do you
help them? What will they get from listening to your podcast?
Are you offering transformation? Are you offering a course?
Is your podcast something that they're going to get something from
episode to episode? Or is it simply a guide? Is
it a refresher of something they already know but just need you for the
mentoring and accountability? All of these questions are very
important. For you to ask of yourself before. You
start thinking about growing your audience. You also want to get some
listener. Feedback from those that you already have listening. Now, I can
recommend surveys for this. You could offer a voucher, maybe
for Amazon 50 pound gift voucher. Ask for feedback directly
within the episodes themselves. If your
podcast is hosted via its own website, which I highly recommend,
you could stick some sort of voice note tool on there
podcast page and podpage offer these built into their own
systems. So if you don't have a podcast. Website, I highly
recommend you use one of those two platforms.
So before we go into some of the actual specific ways that you can grow
your podcast on the cheap or for free,
let's talk about the psychology of growth when
it comes to anything product related. Take for
example, a new restaurant has opened in a town.
Nobody knows about it yet. Most companies, when they're doing
something like this, they want to bring new footfall into their place of
work, into their business. They will advertise to let
those customers know they exist. They'll buy their first
customers. And that's largely what you have to do with the podcast. You
have to buy your first listeners. If you've got
to a point where you've plateaued with your organic audience and maybe you're reaching,
I don't know, between. 70 and 120 listeners per episode,
maybe. You need to think about how you. Can strategically
buy a new base level of listeners. You've already got
those 70 to 120 listeners turning up every single
episode. That's fine, that's great, you've got those. But how are you going to
get new listeners coming in? There are a number of ways you can do
this. You can do the content marketing approach where
essentially you're setting up your social. Media channels for your show and
you're promoting. So we're talking lots of posts, different
kinds of content, audiograms, video
clips, quote cards, transcript
segments, threads, you name it. There's lots of
ways that you can use social media to promote your podcast
episodes. Blogs are obviously a great idea as well. And
certainly if you can get a. Blog post published on a high domain.
Authority website, that's great traffic for your podcast
website. You can organize to go on other podcasts and promote what
you do on those shows. You could do a feed drop. That's
where another podcast allows you to.
Publish an episode in their feed. This can sometimes be a
financial arrangement. Or it can just be a swap. One week you
promote their podcast in. Your feed, the next week they promote. Your podcast
in their feed. I think we need to manage your. Expectations on how
effective this can be. You might generate a 2%
conversion or below. In terms of that, it's probably gonna. Be a handful of
listeners, but if. It'S something that you feel like trying,
by all means give that a go.
But the truth is, in order to grow your podcast, you're probably
going to need to invest at least a little bit of money into it. One
of my favorite methods of growing a small podcast and getting
a slightly bigger audience each time is Facebook ads. They can be extremely
effective to get you some extra traffic to podcast apps. Specific landing
pages in which people listen, maybe follow your show,
in which case. I would be thinking about a follow. Campaign where you can get
people signed. Up to your newsletter using again, Facebook lead
generation forms. This can be a really, really good. Method honestly for
growing more followers more. Quickly, which can definitely help
with the. Search ranking of your podcast within Apple Podcasts and
Spotify LinkedIn ads. The same
LinkedIn I find to be a little bit less effective unless you are
literally doing a b two B. Podcast, however, great
targeting similar strategy you. Could use in app
podcast ads. So we're talking the likes of Acast
or Spotify. Pocketcasts take ads as well.
These are great because rather than having to cross a hurdle of someone scrolling
a social media feed, then they got to take the decision to click on the
button that will take them to your podcast within an app. Theyre already in the
app, theyre already. In the modality of listening to
podcasts. So the conversion rates are going to. Be much higher because youre
asking them not to go to another app, youre. Just asking them
to go to another podcast. That can be extremely effective
for growing your listener traffic. Another thing you can
try is PR. This is where you create a story
around a specific episode and then get. That distributed
to various different publications with the promise of
either a link to your podcast episode or if you're really lucky,
they might even embed a player for you. There are lots of different services
that offer this. PR fire is one. I'm also a big fan of a
company called Whitepress. Whitepress allows you to get targeted
publications. That will embed your stories
within various highly specific blogs and
websites around the world. This could be a great way of. You getting
slightly more affordable campaigns published for your
podcast. If you've got a bit more budget, well, there is
something a little bit more effective that you can try. You
can work with podnost podcasting. We have agreements with third
party providers where we can actually embed your podcast
in highly relevant blogs and websites around. The world, similar to
whitepress, but even more targeted to the point
of actually picking the genders, the age
and the. Earning brackets of the people visiting these
websites. If that's something that will be of. Interest to you, then
please do reach out to me and we could talk. About how we can help
you to. Grow your podcast audience in a highly
targeted and relevant way. Absolutely
no wasted traffic. We don't use bots, you can guarantee
where people are listening, how old they are, what gender they
are, if you have a very gender specific product and what their earning
bracket is. If you're offering courses, this could be a great solution for
you. I hope that helps. And if you need any more information, you know where
I am. Do reach out to me. The podmaster is a Podnos
podcasting production. Find out more about us at Podnos
Co. Uk. That's podknows
dot co dot uk.